This is a six-word memoir. It is a project that I used the phrase “Adventures lead to the best memories” and turned it into art.
I started out with the phrase “Adventures lead to the best memories.” I had two ideas that I liked but I really like the idea of making it into a scrapbook because the memories in scrapbook are often times adventures you go on. I made a sketch of this and later moved into Adobe Illustrator and put the words where I wanted. I wanted each word to be in its own picture frame to represent the memories. I worked on this and thought it need more so I went into Adobe Dimension to create a 3D book. I proceed to add shadows and highlights to make evrything more 3D. Last I added some imagery of things you might add to a scrapbook to make it feel more used. I really loved doing this because I made me use many different skills and it looks much different than the things I had done before.